Hello all and welcome to the first edition of The Waiting Room of video games, with the gaming world never
letting us take a rest without thinking about the next upcoming game with the teaser that wouldn't stop teasing your brain.
Today's topic is an adaption of a retro game with a similar name Castle Wolfenstein where you attempted to escape a German/Nazi fort as an American captive. This game got a sequel and even a 3D adaption in a short while but it's been dead since the beginning of the new millennium.
So one would ask a question of why to reanimate the corpse now? (pun intended) and most of whom I asked the question answered "To bring back the old FPS genre" and when I thought about it, I ended up agreeing. I would never have guessed the design and gameplay before it was shown to us and that is most likely because I've never seen something like it, the shooters I grew up playing was battlefield, medal of honor, and of course COD.
But with game like the Metro series and Bioshock (I seriously thought this game was a fusion of the two when I was viewing gameplay) popping up I see a new line of FPS games appearing, one with an increase of story and shooting actually taking a back-seat to story and exploring, something battlefield and COD fans been asking for for a long time purely because the mainstream shooter games lack them.
And that what I think this game will be a product of this new kind of shooter. But make no mistake the shooting is just as satisfying as any other games with the big gritty metallic gun selection your bound to have fun destroying your enemies as you rush through them like 80-90s action movie.
You're bound to have lots of interesting enemies with on par if not better level design. With you playing a man who fell into a coma in the middle a of World War 2 and woke up in 1960 to a Nazi-ruled world with almost any resistance laid to rest by the classic robotic super-soldiers (Big Daddy prototypes) backing up Germany. With beautiful Bioshock-centric (I'm done) art and a soundtrack composed of classics and German songs that's bound to get a rise out of you negative or positive, Wolfenstein is definitely going to be a good time which is only going to make this Waiting Room harder to sit through.
If you want some tension lifted follow and share colemantimes.blogspot.com for more editions of The Waiting Room and if you want a old game to come back comment below I'll love to see some probably-never coming game just to make fun of those in the waiting room.
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